PSP and Osiris Health Directors speaking at international expert meeting on neurology
23rd February 2017Peter Sanderson Director of PSP and Osiris Health along with his colleague Paul McArcthur Director of Osiris Health and Consultant Hand and Plastic Surgeon will be speaking about the cutting-edge work of their companies at a 2-day expert meeting.
The event in early March in London will connect experts from across the globe and provide an international forum in which to share knowledge and valuable clinical insights with colleagues in the field of neurology.
In addition to a rich scientific programme, the highly interactive, multidisciplinary event will allow for the discussion of innovative techniques, and workshops will provide opportunities for expert exchange on topics at the centre of clinical practice.
PSP and Osiris Health are amongst the leaders in the field of neurorehabilitation and have been asked to speak at various national and international events about the ground-breaking work they are delivering for their clients.
PSP and Osiris Health are part of the Apollo Health Group. A group of companies amongst those leading the field in rehabilitation, continuing to get the very best possible results for clients using the most advanced techniques, technology and medication.