PSP speak at UCLAN event on Injection Therapy
28th March 2017PSP’s Director Peter Sanderson and his colleague Dr Bhaskar Basu, Consultant Neurologist will be speaking at a free Spasticity Management and Botulinum toxin event at UCLAN on 25th April.
The event will be an interesting and stimulating afternoon including an opportunity to update and reflect on contemporary issues in neurological injection therapy practice and spasticity management.
Content of the event includes:
• Discussion on the latest concepts in spasticity management
• Discussion on the rationale for using botulinum toxin injections for spasticity management
• Identification of opportunities for the role of the therapist in delivering a spasticity management service
Who should attend?
Therapists who are involved in the management of neurological patients and have an interest in the use of botulinum toxin injections.
When and where?
Tuesday 25th April 2017, 1pm – 4pm.
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, PR1 2HE
Cost: FREE!
How do I register?
For more information or to book a place please email: healthcpd@uclan.ac.uk or visit our website.
This event comes at then end of Peter Sanderson’s series of lectures on Injection Therapy on the MSC Health Studies course.
Peter is committed to excellence in treatment and care and as such was delighted to be asked to be part of training the next generation of clinicians and medics.
The PSP partnership with UCLAN means students will benefit from the ground breaking work carried out by Peter and his team in treating a range of conditions.
PSP is known for being one of the most advanced spasticity services in the country by key opinion leaders both nationally and internationally. This exciting new venture will ultimately mean better care and treatment for those with truly debilitating conditions across the UK and beyond.